Nicole Yamanaka

Nicole Yamanaka

PT Director/Owner/Kinesiologist

Get In Touch
Practice Area
Active Health and Fitness, Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy, Performance Coaching

As a kinesiologist and personal trainer for over 20 years, I believe a strong passion for "what you do" and the people you serve are incredibly important for a rewarding, long term career, and developing amazing relationships with the people you work with. I help my clients develop personalized healthcare plans (incorporating forest and nature therapy) to help them improve their health, on their terms. Not everyone needs or wants a rah-rah coach, but often someone they can build trust with, and an understanding ear....but the kinesiology and personal training aspects help :)

Drawing on principles found in activities like yoga, pilates, martial arts, climbing, snowboarding etc, and life experiences is a part of how to make health and fitness interesting, enjoyable and FUN. Surprisingly, even rehabilitation can be "fun" (you might have to take a leap of faith with me on this one).

I love the unique intricacies each person brings to the table and by weaving in their personalities, experiences, understanding and attitude towards fitness (and ultimately their lives) I ensure that their program is tailored to THEM.

I am an animal advocate, book lover (Marvel, DC, neuroscience, personal growth, economics, environmentalism ), costume designer and fundraiser in my spare time. You can usually find me in the forest...with a book :)

Coral Mountain Therapy

Vancouver and Burnaby, Vancouver, BC, 000 000, Canada

Telehealth available

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