Public Information on Virtual (Telehealth) Services

What it means to provide virtual (Telehealth) services

What is it: When kinesiology services are provided using one or more of the following methods of communication: telephone call, online video conferencing, use of a chat feature on a computer or mobile device, or any combination of these is considered virtual healthcare services.

Potential Benefits: Kinesiology services provided virtually can benefit client care and service delivery and overcome a number of barriers, these can include but are not limited to:

  1. the need to mitigate disease, prevent infection or transmission of communicable disease between themselves, and the healthcare practitioners, other client(s) or people in their community to the best of their ability;
  2. the inability of the kinesiologist or client to attend in-person sessions due to scheduling, travel or location barriers such as inclement weather, remote location, client immobility, or other factors.

Telehealth services can also be integrated with in-person treatment/care where the client and kinesiologist meet virtually using a computer, smart phone, or tablet/iPad for some but not all sessions. Telehealth service delivery can be appropriate provided the kinesiologist operates within their scope of practice, competency, and abides by the BCAK's code of ethics, professional practice standards, and other guiding documents.

Potential Risks and Limitations: Kinesiologists services provided virtually may result in increased risk to the client, as virtual care does not allow for the same level of interaction. Each client's needs must be assessed to determine if the services can be delivered in a safe and effective manner. This includes determining when;

  1. virtual services result in a significant increase in the risk of injury to a client due to the lack of in-person supervision to provide assistance, such as preventing a fall, or providing emergency assistance when necessary.
  2. virtual service delivery results in an increased risk of a privacy breach, including exposure of personal health information - to maintain confidentiality of your personal information access to a private space that allows you to communicate openly without the opportunity for others to overhear your conversation or for that communication to be intercepted or listened to my an unauthorized party between points of transmission.
  3. desired or necessary client services cannot be delivered effectively due to client needs for in-person care to ensure proper movement technique or when in person demonstration of movement activities by the kinesiologist is necessary, or other possible reason.

If virtual care will result in known increased risk of injury of injury or a significant reduction in treatment effectiveness, virtual care should be avoided and in-person care should utilized.

If you are a client or a Third-Party Insurer, wishing to assess the suitability of kinesiology virtual/telehealth services for yourself or a client, you should ensure your kinesiologist explains to your satisfaction how they are:

  • Maintaining your privacy - adequately informing you on which Telehealth platform and/or exercise prescription application(s) they will, or may, utilize to communicate and deliver services to you and the security procedures these platforms have in place. a high level of security must be maintain for both the platform and application. The service delivery method must meet privacy legislation requirements for security/confidentiality related to the jurisdiction where the service is being performed and received. The kinesiologist should make available to you, a copy of their privacy policy, which includes details on the security measures utilized in protecting your privacy and personal health information.
  • Obtaining your informed consent - the kinesiologist should present you with an informed consent document, clearly defining how, why, when, and what virtual Telehealth services are or will be provided, how your privacy is being protected, and if sessions are being recorded. In addition, you should be offered a copy of the completed consent form and the kinesiologist should record whether one was provided to you and whether agree (by signing) to indicate acceptance of the terms and conditions.
  • Addressing your safety concerns and needs - you should ask how the kinesiologist will ensure an appropriate assessment of your current health condition based on your personal needs will be conducted virtually, what policies will be implemented to ensure that treatment and exercise prescription services are being provided safely and that there is no additional risk of injury or possible death from a fall, performing inappropriate exercise technique, or other factor that would not be encountered when in a clinic/in-person treatment setting. This should include providing you with a recommended care/treatment plan that is reviewed with you, and to which you agree or authorize, prior to any Telehealth services being delivered, recognizing that not all services can be effectively delivered via Telehealth.

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