Brandon Ngai

Brandon Ngai

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Practice Area
Active Health and Fitness, Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy, Telehealth (Virtual Healthcare)

Brandon is a registered kinesiologist with the British Columbia Association of Kinesiologists. He received a diploma in Human Kinetics from Capilano University and a Bachelors degree of Kinesiology from the University of British Columbia.

Within his practice as a kinesiologist, Brandon utilizes the Sportcore Movement System to train and teach individuals to perform movement patterns that emphasize stability and efficiency. He believes that by ingraining systematic principles of movement into any athletic endeavor will allow an individual to become much stronger and safer during static and dynamic movements. As a certified strength and conditioning specialist, he believes a blend of resistance training and correcting dysfunctional movement patterns will optimally serve the rehabilitation process, prevention of future injury and improve performance.

Brandon has had an extensive athletic career during his upbringing, playing various sports such as soccer, volleyball, and basketball. However, after high school he decided to pursue martial arts. He is currently an instructor and active competitor in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. When he is not at Kraken Fitness, you can often find him in a gym or on the mats of a martial arts school!

Certifications and Qualifications:

Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist - National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)

Kraken Fitness

4725 Hastings Street, Burnaby, BC, V5C2K8, Canada

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