BC Academic Assessment Grids for Professional Membership

2025 Academic Course Requirements

Assessment Grids by Post-Secondary Institution (PSI) - 2025

The linked grids below demonstrate where specific courses have been assigned based on course syllabus/outline and discussions with PSI faculty as of the release date of the document(s). Those looking to apply for membership are encouraged to use these grids to plan their study programs, and when applying for membership, to use the grids for guidance in completing the required self-assessment form to be submitted by the applicant.

If there are new, or other, courses you have completed, that have since been re-named, renumbered or discontinued, please provide a full course syllabus for BCAK review. Note that BCAK does not recognize or consider the BC Transfer Guide, or transfer courses that are accepted by the receiving university - BCAK reviews the course syllabi (when provided) from the originating post-secondary institution to determine if a course or courses meet the BCAK's academic learning outcomes requirements. If the PSI you have graduated from accepted transfer credits, you must contact the BCAK to confirm whether those courses will be recognized and accepted by the BCAK.

Please note the course syllabi are NOT required for listed courses however a summary description of practicums, placements, fieldwork and/or seminar topics and directed studies course topics ARE required as per the notes on the grid(s).

Alphabetical List

Camosun College

Capilano University

Douglas College

Simon Fraser University

Trinity Western University

University of BC - Okanagan

University of BC - Vancouver

University of the Fraser Valley

University of Victoria

Vancouver Island University

Below are the courses accepted from 2 year diploma transfer programs (requires completion of a minimum 4-year Bachelor's degree in Clinical Kinesiology or equivalent)

Alphabetical List

College of New Caledonia

College of the Rockies

Langara College

Okanagan College

Thompson Rivers University

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