BC Academic Assessment Grids for Professional Membership

2025 Academic Course Requirements

Assessment Grids by BC Post-Secondary Institution (PSI) - 2025

Note: no grids are made available by the BCAK for PSIs outside of BC

The course grids provided below have been prepared to assist students and potential applicants with the Practicing membership application process. The grids detail where specific courses allocate based on current course outlines (syllabi) in consultation with PSI kinesiology department representatives, as of the release date of the document(s). These grids should be used as a guide by those looking to apply for BCAK professional membership in planning their undergraduate selections. The grids are also to be used when completing the self-assessment form required to be submitted by the applicant.

If new courses have been added or courses have been renamed, renumbered, or discontinued at the PSI you attended, you should provide the full course outline or syllabus for BCAK review. Note that you are not required to provide course outlines for courses listed on the Assessment grid (as the BCAK has already evaluated those).

Note: The BCAK's recognition of BC Transfer Guide equivalencies is at its discretion.

If you are applying with transfer credit courses, you must provide the course outlines from the originating post-secondary institution (if not found on one of the lists below) and BCAK will determine if the course or course(s) meet(s) the BCAK's academic learning outcomes requirement for a given course subject(s). Contact the BCAK for further information if this applies to you.

Note: Course Outlines and related details are required from BC PSIs under the following situations:

  • Courses are not listed on the grids, or courses which incorporate practicum placements, co-operative education or internships.
  • Seminar topics courses and directed studies courses content information are required as per the notes provided on the grids.

Course Grids Alphabetically by Institution

2-year Associate degree (diploma) Program Courses

(courses will be accepted only as part of the meeting the minimum requirement for a 4-year Bachelor's degree in Clinical Kinesiology)

College of New Caledonia

College of the Rockies

Langara College

Okanagan College

Thompson Rivers University

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