Professional Membership - Academic Requirements

Degree Requirement

Completion of a four-year degree in clinical kinesiology in Canada or equivalent completed elsewhere that is recognized by the BCAK.  Or a degree in kinesiology, in addition to supplemental education and work experience in clinical kinesiology, that are acceptable to the BCAK.

Course Criteria

a) 75% of courses (30 of the minimum 40) required in a standard 4-year degree in Canada (based on the “Carnegie Unit” system) must be kinesiology courses. These may include required science, math, psychology or healthcare courses necessary for a specific Post Secondary Institution's (PSI’s) kinesiology degree program.

b) Completion of a minimum of fourteen (14) 3-credit courses covering all the knowledge competencies (subjects) listed below:

  1. Biomechanics of Human Movement and Tissues
  2. Clinical Kinesiology Assessment
  3. Clinical Exercise Prescription
  4. Human Systems Anatomy (Applied Human Anatomy)
  5. Human Exercise Physiology
  6. Human Motor Control and Learning (Neuroscience)
  7. Human Systems Physiology
  8. Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice
  9. Human Growth and Development
  10. Human Nutrition and Metabolism
  11. Kinesiology Professional Practice and Jurisprudence
  12. Prevention and Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries
  13. Psychology and/or Sociology of Health and Human Movement (Behaviour Change/ Modification)
  14. Special Populations Health


Sixteen (16) 3-credit elective courses that must be in kinesiology and/or science, math, psychology or healthcare courses required for a specific PSI’s kinesiology degree program.

Total minimum requirement is thirty (30) 3-credit courses.

There are circumstances where two core subjects can be combined in one 3-credit course; please see the BCAK Course Assessment Policies and Procedures for details.

If an applicant received their education from a PSI that does not follow the Carnegie Unit System, the applicant must provide the course unit system that their PSI uses and the BCAK will determine equivalencies.

Note: Applicants who graduated from outside of British Columbia will be required to assess the courses in their program and compare to the fourteen (14) 3-credit courses that cover all knowledge competencies listed in b) and the sixteen (16) elective courses. This self-assessment will be required of all applicants, however BC graduates are able to look at the Assessment Grid by PSI to more easily assess their program with BCAK requirements.

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