Degree Requirement
Completion of a four-year degree in clinical kinesiology in Canada or equivalent completed elsewhere that is recognized by the BCAK. Or a degree in kinesiology, in addition to supplemental education and work experience in clinical kinesiology, that are acceptable to the BCAK.
Course Criteria
a) 75% of courses (30 of the minimum 40) required in a standard 4-year degree in Canada (based on the “Carnegie Unit” system) must be kinesiology courses. These may include required science, math, psychology or healthcare courses necessary for a specific Post Secondary Institution's (PSI’s) kinesiology degree program.
b) Completion of a minimum of fourteen (14) 3-credit courses covering all the knowledge competencies (subjects) listed below:
- Biomechanics of Human Movement and Tissues
- Clinical Kinesiology Assessment
- Clinical Exercise Prescription
- Human Systems Anatomy (Applied Human Anatomy)
- Human Exercise Physiology
- Human Motor Control and Learning (Neuroscience)
- Human Systems Physiology
- Research Methods and Evidence-Based Practice
- Human Growth and Development
- Human Nutrition and Metabolism
- Kinesiology Professional Practice and Jurisprudence
- Prevention and Rehabilitation of Sports Injuries
- Psychology and/or Sociology of Health and Human Movement (Behaviour Change/ Modification)
- Special Populations Health
Sixteen (16) 3-credit elective courses that must be in kinesiology and/or science, math, psychology or healthcare courses required for a specific PSI’s kinesiology degree program.
Total minimum requirement is thirty (30) 3-credit courses.
There are circumstances where two core subjects can be combined in one 3-credit course; please see the BCAK Course Assessment Policies and Procedures for details.
If an applicant received their education from a PSI that does not follow the Carnegie Unit System, the applicant must provide the course unit system that their PSI uses and the BCAK will determine equivalencies.
Note: Applicants who graduated from outside of British Columbia will be required to assess the courses in their program and compare to the fourteen (14) 3-credit courses that cover all knowledge competencies listed in b) and the sixteen (16) elective courses. This self-assessment will be required of all applicants, however BC graduates are able to look at the Assessment Grid by PSI to more easily assess their program with BCAK requirements.