2024 Canadian Educated Applicants - Regular

For applicants who completed their kinesiology education in Canada and are applying less than 5 years after graduation.

Academic Requirements

Degree Requirement

a) A four-year degree in kinesiology from a post-secondary educational institution in Canada where the degree and institution meet the standard set by the BCAK*,


b) educational qualifications from a post-secondary educational institution in Canada or another country that are deemed by the Board to be substantively equivalent to the requirements in (a)*,


c) educational qualifications that are in part equivalent to a four-year degree in kinesiology* in addition to successful completion of an examination, and work experience, acceptable to the BCAK.

*Educational (Degree) & Equivalency - BCAK requires applicants to have completed a degree program appropriate for applied professional kinesiology practice. Recognition and equivalency will take into consideration; academic coursework (theory and practice based), course grades and work integrated learning placements. Applicants who do not meet the criteria of (a) or (b) may qualify under (c) based on the completion of additional coursework, non-formal practice education, certifications, other relevant information and/or completion of a BCAK administered examination.

Recognition of programs, degrees and equivalency are at the discretion of, and determined by the BCAK.

Academic course and grade requirements are aligned with the competencies indicated in BCAK's Essential Competencies of Practice.

Required 'Core' Courses

  • Human Anatomy
  • Human Physiology
  • Human Motor Control & Learning
  • Biomechanics of Human Movement
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Advanced Exercise Prescription
  • Research Methods

Applicants must have completed the seven (7) specified core courses listed with a minimum mark of 60% or greater.

The core courses listed must include the specified course content and cannot be used again to meet the elective course requirements listed below.


Elective Course Requirement

Completion of a minimum of sixteen (16) additional elective courses in kinesiology, which meet the following grade and category requirements.

  1. Elective course grade requirements - A passing grade is required for all 16 elective courses, with 14 of the 16 elective courses having a grade not less 60%. A maximum of 2 course grades between 55% and 59% grades will be accepted towards the total 16 elective courses.
  2. Categories:
  • Special Populations, Disease Processes and Health Conditions - minimum one (1) course
  • Professional Practice, Assessment and Interventions - minimum seven (7) courses
  • Kinesiology Theory - Physiologic Processes and General Health - minimum five (5) courses
  • Foundational Sciences - a maximum of three (3) courses can be applied to meet the minimum sixteen (16) electives, if the minimum is not achieved through the other combined categories. No minimum category requirement.

Full details on the elective categories and subtopics can be found here.

Attention Out of Province University/College Applicants

If you have graduated from a Canadian Post-Secondary Institution but not from within BC, or you are currently enrolled in a program at a Canadian Post-Secondary Institution outside of BC, please complete the self-assessment form to determine which course requirements have been satisfied and what additional coursework may be required. Once complete, submit the form alongside your application.

(Click here for the Self-Assessment form)

If you are unsure of which category a course should be placed in, please refer to our Elective Course Guide for more information on all categories and the topics that belong in each category.

(Click here for the Elective Course Guide).

Attention BC University/College Applicants

If you have graduated from a BC Post-Secondary Institution, or you are currently enrolled in a program at a BC institution and would like to self-assess your current courses for acceptability, you can review the categorized list of core and electives courses for BC post-Secondary institutions to determine which course requirements have been satisfied and what additional coursework may be required.

(Click here for the Core and Elective Course Guides for BC Institutions).

Disclaimer: the courses listed are from the university calendars as of the release date of the table. If you have completed a course (or courses) that are not listed, please send the course syllabi for those courses which are not listed for BCAK review.

Support Documentation and Other Requirements

Supporting Documents

Applicants completing all their education in Canada and who are applying within 2 years of graduation, are required to provide the following support documents.

1 - Proof of Degree Completion

Submit one of the following during the online application process for each kinesiology related degree you have completed or directly to the BCAK office by email if your application has already been submitted.

  • A legible, high quality image of your Degree certificate(s) submitted in the correct orientation showing all signatures and seals.
  • A proof of graduation or pending graduation letter which includes:
    • Your full legal name
    • Your student number
    • Degree program completed, or being completed, and any sub-category you were/are enrolled in
    • Confirmation you have applied and been approved to graduate if you have not already done so
    • Date of degree conferral.
    • A list of courses in progress that impact eligibility to graduate, if you have not yet graduated.

NOTE: Any courses in progress must show as completed on any official transcripts the BCAK office receives, otherwise you will need to order new transcripts once the final grades for the courses in progress are available.

2 - Proof of Program Completion - Official transcripts for all relevant degree programs and courses

Request your official transcript(s) from the post-secondary institution(s) and have them sent by the institution directly to the BCAK by email or postal mail. Refer to the Contact Us page for email and mailing addresses.

NOTE 1: Applicants may submit original sealed copies of official transcripts by postal mail provided they have not been opened and the University seal has not been tampered with. Unsealed transcripts received will not be accepted.

NOTE 2: Applicants who have completed multiple degrees or attended multiple post-secondary institutions are required to submit official transcripts from each institution where kinesiology related coursework was completed.

3-Proof of Course Content

Provide course outlines/descriptions/syllabi for all available courses using one of the following means;

  • Upload official Post-Secondary course outlines to your application account,
  • Upload PDF course descriptions (or a list of links to those descriptions) obtained through your educational institution's website, or
  • Unofficial course descriptions prepared by you (the applicant) with a list of course text books*

NOTE 1: Official outlines and institutional descriptions hold greater weight than applicant-written descriptions.
Core course outlines for the 7 core and other kinesiology related elective courses are required. (do not submit course outlines for courses you have completed, which are not relevant to kinesiology or healthcare).
Course descriptions are required for all directed studies/seminar/special topics courses or a semester abroad was completed. These should be uploaded during the application process.

4-Proof of Good Moral Character

1- Request a Criminal Record Check (CRC) clearance letter from the BC Criminal Record Review Program (CRRP)

See How to Complete a Criminal Record ChecK*

*BCAK does not accept CRC from other jurisdictions or local police departments.


2 - Complete and submit the BCAK's Good Moral Character declaration - The document must be signed by hand with a pen, scanned and uploaded when submitting your application documents, or returned to BCAK by email.

5 - Continuing Education Requirement since Graduation


Applicants graduating >2 but <5 years since graduation require 20 credits per year not including the year of, and the year following graduation.


  • The requirements are based on the number of years since graduation and explained below.
  • Continuing Education support documents are required for applicants who graduated more than 2 years prior to their application date.
  • If a Master's or Ph.D. degree in Kinesiology have been completed within the past 5 years, in addition to an undergraduate kinesiology degree, the educational coursework can be applied to meet the continuing education requirements provided the courses are not used to meet the primary academic requirements.
  • Proof of continuing education must be in the form of course receipts or certificates of achievement issued by the course/education provider(s) and include the date the coursework was completed, the number of contact hours and the course details.
  • Continuing education coursework must be specific to the field of kinesiology and proof should be submitted during the online application process.
  • Applicants submitting proof of continuing education are encouraged to submit supporting documents at the time of application. If not supplied at time of application, you will be informed of the requirement upon completion of the review and subsequently whether the materials satisfy the requirement.

Example of how to calculate your requirement

Degree completion in spring of 2019, application in spring of 2022:
2019 - 0 credits required
2020 - 0 credits required
2021 - 20 credits required
TOTAL CE credits required = 20 credits required, since 2019 (1 credit = 1 full hour of education time unless otherwise approved by the BCAK)

Core Courses Composite Exam

As indicated in the academic degree requirements, applicants who are deemed to have completed a degree that is partially equivalent to a recognized 4-year kinesiology degree in Canada are required to successfully complete any of the seven (7) core courses which are identified by the BCAK as having not been completed or which do not meet the BCAK's course content requirements at a a Post-Secondary institution in Canada recognized by the BCAK. Alternatively, applicants may be provided with the opportunity to prove that they meet the requirements for one or more of the core course deemed by the BCAK to have been satisfactorily completed by completing one or more of the BCAK's Core Course Equivalency examinations or the core course composite examination, which covers all seven (7) of the core subjects. Approval for applicants to complete the challenge exams is at the discretion of the BCAK.

Prior to being permitted to write an exam, applicants must meet all other academic requirements indicated.

Examination details, policies, procedures and booking information are available on the Exam Information page.

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