Academic Membership

For Students, Faculty and Staff

Academic membership is available for

a) Students enrolled in a course of studies leading to a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree in kinesiology from a post-secondary educational institution in Canada that is recognized by the BCAK, or

b) A professor, instructor, or staff member of a post-secondary educational institution in Canada that is recognized by the Board, in a department which offers courses in kinesiology that lead to a degree.

Academic members must:

  • Be of good moral character,
  • Abide by the BCAK's Code of Ethics,
  • Not be working in a professional (practicing or non-practicing) capacity as a kinesiologist, excepting for their capacity as a post-secondary student in a work integrated learning (WIL) placement or co-operative education placement/course, or as a post-secondary educator as detailed above.

*Professional Practice Liability Insurance is not available through the BCAK member group insurance program for Academic members


  • If you are a student and are within 60 days of graduation, it is recommended you begin your application for Practicing (professional) membership. Call the office if you wish to discuss your options further.
  • Academic-student membership is best suited for students completing their final 2 years of their undergraduate degree program or completing their professional practice graduate degree program - membership provides access to job postings and other resources to help prepare you for a career in professional kinesiology.

Membership Application Process

STEP 1 - Create a User Account

Create a BCAK user account through the BCAK's website. Once a user account is created, follow the links on the welcome page to begin your application.

Tips for creating a user account

  • Name - Enter your 'full legal name', as it appears on your government issued identification or transcripts. This ensures support documents received by the BCAK for your application are correctly allocated. You will have the option of entering a 'preferred' first name if you use something other than your legal name. (Do not capitalize your name.)
  • Contact information - you are responsible for ensuring your contact information is current and up to date. You can do this through your user account. User accounts that remain inactive for more than 365 days will be deleted along with all information contained within them. If you run into this situation you must open a new user account.
  • BCAK communication - The BCAK will communicate with you by e-mail. If your email address is not correct or you no longer have access to the email on record, you will not receive important communications from the BCAK.

Note: Password Reset and Two Factor Authentication (2FA) are available for increased security. If you do not receive a password reset or 2FA email when requested, please ensure emails received from the '' domain are added to your safe sender list. If you continue to experience delays or do not receive these emails please contact the BCAK office.

Click here to create a User account

STEP 2 - Submit the Following Documents

1) Membership Declaration

Student and Faculty/Staff must submit a completed BCAK Academic Member Declaration form, confirming you understand the terms of academic membership.

To submit the form, upload your signed declaration form during the online application process. If you do not submit the form during the process, you can also send the completed form to the office by email.

2) For Students - Proof of Post-Secondary Kinesiology Enrollment or Employment

for students

Submit proof of current full-time enrollment (3 or more courses) in a Bachelor’s, Master's or PhD degree program in kinesiology from a post-secondary educational institution in BC that is recognized by the Board.

Documentation may consist of one of the following

  • Proof of enrollment letter
  • Letter of standing from the registrar
  • A screenshot of your student portal that includes:
    • Your legal name
    • Student number
    • Current enrollment status, institution and degree program (major)

Note: Students wanting to apply for Practicing (professional) membership upon graduation are recommended to self-assess their academic courses/program to determine which courses they require for BCAK Practicing membership. See: Self-Assessment Grids

3) For Faculty/Staff

Proof of employment as a professor, instructor, or other member of the faculty/department of a BC post-secondary educational institution, recognized by the BCAK, which offers degrees and/or courses in kinesiology.

Upload one of the following during the online application process:

  • A PDF copy of your CV (with links to your contact information on the faculty website)
  • Proof of employment letter from the department you work in, confirming your position and employment,
  • Other proof that may be provided by the post-secondary institution confirming your employment.

STEP 3 - Review the BCAK Code of Ethics

BCAK Code of Ethics

STEP 4 - Review the Terms of Membership

All memberships expire on December 31st of the year to which the membership applies. Memberships do not run continuous for 365 days from the date of membership purchase.

  • Memberships which are not renewed by the due date become ‘not in good standing’. (Must be renewed by December 31st to continue uninterrupted for the next year.
  • There is no late renewal fee applicable to academic membership, so there is not the same urgency to renew without being subject to additional costs as there is with professional membership.

STEP 5 - Start the Application Process

Apply NOW

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