How to Reinstate Your Membership

BCAK Membership Reinstatement Policy

This BCAK Reinstatement policy is for previous Practicing or Non-practicing members only.

Academic members are not subject to continuing professional development standards and can re-initiate their membership by contacting the BCAK office, provided they meet the requirements for membership and supply the required support documentation.

Professional Membership Reinstatement Policy

Terms and Conditions

1) Reinstatement Period - Available within 3 years (36 months) of last being a Practicing or Non-practicing members in good standing with the BCAK. The 3 year period is based on the date of receipt of a written request by the past member and excludes all other inquiries, questions, or requests that are not a specific request for reinstatement. Required support documents must be submitted within two weeks of the receipt of the written request for reinstatement.

2) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Requirements

A total of 20 credits for each year membership has been not in good standing (and if you did not complete the required 20 CPD credits in your last year of membership, those CPD credits will also need to be included).

The requirements reflect that membership renewal begins in mid November of the previous year. If you are looking to reinstate from November 15 to December 31, you will be required to have completed the current year's credits to qualify. An additional 20 credits will be required should you wish to renew for the subsequent year if you are reinstated between January and November 14th.

  • Year 1 - 20 credits
  • Year 2 - 40 credits
  • Year 3 - 60 credits
  • Year 3+ - 80 credits (applies to reinstatements effective 35 to 36 months, since last being a member in good standing - reinstatement is not available after 36 months have passed)

Example-1: Membership expired in December 2022, reinstatement applied for and approved in July 2023 - 6 months after last being a member in good standing.

  • 2022: 20 credits owed
  • To renew for 2024 an additional 20 credits will be required and you cannot reuse credits used for reinstatement.

Total Credits Required = 20 credits at time of reinstatement (July 2023)

Example-2: Membership expired December 2023, reinstatement applied for, and approved, on December 5th, 2024.

  • 2023: 20 credits owed (20 credits per year)
  • 2024: 40 credits cumulatively owed (20 credits per year)
  • 2025: 60 credits cumulatively owed (as the 2025 membership purchase period has begun and your membership will run until the end of 2025)

Total Credits Required = 60 credits at time of reinstatement (Dec 2024)

Professional Development activities must:

  1. Fall within the categories and criteria indicated in the Continuing Professional Development Categories Table for Reinstatement.
  2. Be within the Professional scope of Practice as defined by the BCAK.
  3. Be relevant to your area of practice or intended practice upon becoming a member. (Note: A letter of intent with a declaration of intended practice area is required as part of your application for reinstatement) and,
  4. Be verifiable - BCAK must be able to authenticate any support documentation you provide to us and reserves the right to request additional information for verification purposes and may reject a submission if there is no reasonable means to authenticate documentation you provide as being true and correct. Mentoring (while not a BCAK member in good standing) and self-directed professional development do not qualify for reinstatement purposes. CPD credits must be directly related to the profession of kinesiology. BCAK recognizes professional development credits that align with the essential competencies of practice.

Who Does Not Qualify for Reinstatement?

Previous Practicing or Non-practicing members who:

  1. Have not been a member in good standing for 3 or more years.
  2. Owe monies to the association (including accrued interest), until such time as the outstanding amounts are paid in full.
  3. Have not fulfilled the continuing professional development requirements for reinstatement.
  4. Have been expelled from the BCAK, regardless of when they were last a member in good standing.
  5. Members who are currently suspended.

Previous members who do not qualify for reinstatement, and who are not excluded under items 2 to 5 above, can submit a new application and must meet the admission requirements in effect at the time of re-application.


Application for reinstatement must be initiated by email request to the BCAK office. BCAK will review your membership history and determine whether you are eligible for reinstatement. If you are determined to be eligible based on the information available you will be provided additional instructions. If you are not eligible, you will be informed on how to initiate a new membership application if you qualify.

In brief:

  1. Contact the office via email to determine your reinstatement eligibility.
  2. If eligible, you must submit the documentation outlined in the response email prior to entering the review phase.
  3. Allow up to 10 business days for the office to review and verify the documentation submitted.
  4. If approved, follow instructions and relevant links received by email from the BCAK office, including payment of any outstanding amounts owing to the society, the reinstatement fee, and applicable membership dues.
  5. Once this process is complete, your membership will be reinstated, and your membership will be “in good standing” upon completion.
Tips to expedite the process

Contact us by email

  • Include “Reinstatement” in the email subject line.
  • Email us from the address associated with your previous BCAK member account (if still active).
  • Be concise and to the point. Do not provide a reason or explanation for lapsing your previous membership, as this is not required. Declare your current or intended practice area in the body of your reinstatement email.
  • Submit all required documents at one time, including the required proof of professional development.
  • Submit documents in PDF format.
  • Keep emails to a single thread (i.e. reply to a previous email or response rather than sending or starting a new email thread).

Criminal Record Check (Clearance Letter)

  • Criminal record clearance letters on file with the BCAK have a 5 year expiry timeline (from the date of clearance). If you require a new criminal record check we recommend you begin this process as soon as you have requested reinstatement. See: How to Complete a Criminal Record Check

Proof of Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

  • Only submit CPD activities that are verifiable. Refer to this table for details.
  • Submit proof of CPD in a single consolidated PDF document and include a cover page that lists the courses by name, the date(s) completed, and the hours for each course or certification.
  • Contact the BCAK office and request recommendations on where/how to obtain/complete recognized CPD credits if you are unsure.

Follow up with the office on your reinstatement if you do not hear back within 10 days after submitting all the required documentation. Delays can occur if the BCAK is awaiting your CRC clearance letter or the follow-up verification of your CPD submission(s) is delayed by the course/certification provider.

Verification Document Guidelines

Certificates of Completion

A typical certificate of attendance or course completions should include the following:

  • Title of the course/workshop/seminar/in-service.
  • Date of delivery.
  • Attendee’s name.
  • Expiration date (if applicable).
  • Seal of certifying organization.
  • CPD (aka CE) equivalents and/or number of contact hours.

If any of the above information is not included on the certificate, it is the applicant’s responsibility to provide an explanation or find alternative proof.

Signed Letters

For a letter to be accepted, the author must:

  • Address the letter to the BCAK and send it directly to the office via email.
  • Include a brief explanation of their relationship to the applicant.
  • Summarize the activity performed by the applicant.
  • Estimate or provide an exact number of hours for the activity described in the letter.
  • Include the following contact information:
    • Name.
    • Title.
    • Email or phone number.


For a receipt to be accepted, it must:

  • Include the applicant’s name.
  • Product (course) name.
  • Seller information (i.e. name of company).
  • Date of purchase.


For research to be accepted, it must be published in a peer reviewed Academic Journal. Pre-print publications can be accepted if the paper has been peer reviewed and is simply pending publication. A link to the article must be provided and the applicant for reinstatement must be a listed author (other contributions may be accepted under volunteer work). Research will not be accepted if:

  • The applicant is a participant in the study.
  • The article was published on a blog or website (i.e. not published in a peer reviewed academic journal)
  • The applicant is a paid research assistant with no author credit.

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