Emily Tse

Emily Tse


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Practice Area
Alzheimer's/Dementia, Chronic Diseases, Hydrotherapy/Aquatic Exercise

Emily Tse is a practicing Kinesiologist registered with BCAK. She obtained her bachelor's degree in Exercise Science with a Specialization in Clinical Exercise Physiology from Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec. Upon completion of her degree, she spent a couple of years working in a community centre teaching adapted exercise classes for seniors with neurological conditions. This is where her passion blossomed and flourished. She has taken courses in fall prevention, personal training, PWR certification and Bobath/NDT related courses. She continues to take courses to improve her knowledge and skills in working with the neurological population.

Neuromotion Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

1688 W 6th Avenue, Vancouver, BC, V6J 1R3, Canada

Telehealth available

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