Brandon Dang

Brandon Dang

Get In Touch
Practice Area
Chronic Pain, Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy, Older Adults

Hi my name is Brandon Dang and I am currently taking clients at the Overdrive Wellness Clinic. I am born and raised here in Vancouver, and I got my Bachelors in Kinesiology at UBC Okanagan.

Our bodies are built to move, sweat, and stretch and my goal is to help people achieve healthy movement. Whether you currently deal with chronic pain, an injury, or just don't feel confident in moving your body I am here to help. My treatments are individual based and I strive for you to partake in your favourite activities again. Pain free. Feel free to email me any questions or simply book the initial assessment through the Overdrive Wellness website.

Overdrive Athletics

7371 Elmbridge Way, Vancouver, BC, V6X 1B8, Canada

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