Gavin Angoh

Gavin Angoh

Get In Touch
Practice Area
Ergonomics/Human Factors, Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy, Performance Coaching

Welcome! My name is Gavin and I graduated from the kinesiology program at Lakehead University. I Currently work as an Active Rehabilitation Practitioner and can offer remote, mobile or in person private consultation appointments.

I love personal development, pain management, achieving goals, pursuing knowledge, improving efficiency, and thinking out of the box! Some of my hobbies include automotive tuning, tinkering/DIY, solving problems, watching anime, PC gaming, olympic weightlifting, and gardening.
Some of my favorite subjects include: exercise prescription, research methods & study design, lifestyle counselling, and ergonomics.

If you have any questions, complications, or goals that you want to achieve please reach out!

MapleRidge Kin

25325 Godwin Drive, Maple Ridge, BC, V2W 1G9, Canada

Cedar Valley Physiotherapy

32423 Lougheed Hwy, Mission, District of, British Columbia, V2V 7B8, Canada

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