Jennifer Denby

Jennifer Denby

Personal Trainer/Kinesiologist

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Practice Area
Active Health and Fitness, Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy

Jenn's interest in Kinesiology began with a number of personal sports injuries dating back to middle school, and fully blossomed with a work experience visit to an integrated Physiotherapy/Active Rehab clinic in high school. She continued to pursue practical experience prior to her university graduation through volunteer work as a student Athletic Therapist to varsity and club volleyball teams following her own 4 years as a BCCAA volleyball player.

Jenn enjoys the variety of challenges inherent in her chosen profession, working with clients whose injuries range from chronic to acute, and whose backgrounds range from sedentary office workers to professional athletes. Her focus is always on emphasizing proper form and biomechanics to fully integrate healthy movement patterns into all client activities. Jenn's team sport background serves her well as she deeply values interprofessional communication with clients' health care teams in order to optimize care.
Jenn has also taken additional training in exercise therapy for Parkinson's disease.

When not at work, Jenn spends her time running in circles after her young son, playing volleyball, losing herself in books, curling, snowshoeing, and maintaining her ever expanding garden.

Royal Inland Hospital

311 Columbia St., Kamloops, BC, V2C 2T1, Canada

Telehealth available

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