Mischa Harris

Mischa Harris

Get In Touch
Practice Area
Chronic Pain, General Nutritional Counselling, Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy

My background is rooted in kinesiology and movement-based rehabilitation, where I first learned the therapeutic power of movement. Applying what I learned, I was able to bring my body back from a state of chronic injury and exhaustion, and learned how to help others do the same. Then my perspective expanded as I discovered that there is so much more to the healing equation than just movement.

How we nourish ourselves, how we rest and recover, and the state of our thoughts and emotions all play a pivotal role in determining the health of our body and mind.

What drove me into health coaching was the discovery that simply knowing all the best health-related information is not enough to create change. There is a whole internal process that is necessary for true transformation - a process that involves getting to know ourselves more deeply to uncover the patterns that are impacting our health.

It wasn’t until I met the coaches, mentors, and guides who taught me to turn the lens inward that I started to scratch the surface of understanding the Art of Health, and now my greatest joy in life is to pay that forward and help others reclaim their health. Mountain biking is probably a close second…;)

The Art of Health - Coaching and Somatic Therapy

3940 Cumberland Rd., Victoria, BC, V8P 3J6, Canada

Telehealth available

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