Megan Phillips

Megan Phillips

Get In Touch
Practice Area
Chronic Diseases, Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy

Graduating at the top of my class in my Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science and Biochemistry, it has been my passion to have a deeper understanding of how the human body functions – from our every day activities down to the cellular level. After 3 years of personal training experience, I became a Registered Kinesiologist and am passionate about using my knowledge and skills to help people do what they love with confidence and ease. Whether it is physically, emotionally, or mentally - it is my goal to have my clients leave every exercise session feeling better than when they came in. I have experience training a great age range – from 9 years of age to 75+, with a wide variety of health goals including sport specific training, managing healthy pregnancy, injury rehabilitation, and chronic disease management.

“I champion your potential to move how you want, when you want, by pushing through barriers and eliminating limitations!”

Megan Phillips Kinesiology

1408-1199 Seymour St, Vancouver, BC, V6B1K3, Canada

Telehealth available

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