Apply for Professional Membership

Professional Membership

Practicing Membership - For qualified kinesiology professionals who work, or plan to work, in clinical or community-based healthcare settings in British Columbia. Professional Practice Liability (PL, also known as E&O) and Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurance are mandatory for Practicing Members.

Non-Practicing Membership - For qualified kinesiology professionals who work, or plan to work in healthcare management or other roles where they do not provide direct client care services. Insurance is not mandatory for Non-Practicing Members.

Practicing and Non-Practicing Membership applicants are subject to the same requirements and complete the same application process.

Note: Both of these professional applicants start as a Practicing applicant - once approved, if the applicant wishes to change to Non-Practicing membership due to their work role, they can do so.

To review the full details of the application process, select the pathway from the list below that applies to you!  

  1. I completed my education in Canada and graduated within the last 5 years
  2. I completed my education in Canada and graduated more than 5 years ago
  3. I completed my education outside of Canada and graduated within the last 5 years
  4. I completed my education outside of Canada and graduated more than 5 years ago
  5. I was a previous BCAK Professional Member

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