Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Requirements

CPD Program

BCAK supports the philosophy of lifelong learning and incorporates this premise into its Continuing Professional Development (previously the Continuing Education Standards) Program requirements or "CPD" in short.

The purposes of the program are to

  1. promote the maintenance of professional competency, and
  2. enhance public trust in member kinesiologists.

Continuing Professional Development Table

If you are looking to reinstate your BCAK membership, please see the Membership Reinstatement Page for details on the CPD requirements.

Update Notice: Non-Practicing members are currently exempt from the program. This is scheduled to change beginning in 2026. The new standard will require Non-practicing members to record credits for 2026 membership renewal once implemented. Non-practicing members will receive notification of the full details prior to the implementation of the new policy by the beginning of 2025.

Terms and Conditions

  • New members - Professional development activities completed prior to your first year of members are not eligible for claiming to renew for the subsequent year and additional credits completed cannot be carried forward to the subsequent year's renewal.
  • Course Pre-Approval - Professional development course pre-approval is not required by the BCAK, however only educational coursework that is determined to be within BCAK's Scope of Practice for kinesiologists or necessary business operations/management skills for kinesiology practice are recognized.
  • Record-keeping of CPD credits - Members must maintain their own professional development records with the BCAK (this includes certificates of completion, receipts, reference letters, etc.) for the three years prior to the current year. The BCAK may conduct a random member audit to validate CPD entries. If you are one of the members randomly selected - you will be asked to provide verification of any credit entries claimed to renew your membership if audited.

Exceptions to the Requirements

First year members - those who have held Practicing membership for less than 12 months (those in their first year of membership), are required to complete a prorated number of continuing professional development credits based on the date they become a member.

Pro-rated requirements are as follows:

  • Start Date in Quarter 1 (Jan – Mar) – 15 credits required to renew for the next year
    • 5 credit supplement (select the Credit Waiver category; then the credit supplement in Activity)
  • Start Date in Quarter 2 (Apr – Jun) – 10 credits required to renew for the next year
    • Select the Credit Waiver category; then the '10 credit supplement' in Activity
  • Start Date in Quarter 3 (Jul – Sep) – 5 credits required to renew for the next year
    • Select the Credit Waiver category; then the '15 credit supplement' in Activity
  • Start Date in Quarter 4 (Oct – Nov 15) – 0 credits required to renew for the next year
    • Select the Credit Waiver category; then the '20 credit supplement in Activity
  • Start Date (Nov 16 to Dec 31) - Memberships starting after November 15th, are entering a new membership year and will require 20 credits to renew membership when it comes due as your members is 12+ months in duration.

Parental Leave - Members approved for maternity/paternity (parental) leave can request a credit waiver for 20 CPD credits, which can be applied over a 2 calendar year period commensurate with the start of parental leave. Those planning to take parental leave and not work at any time while on leave must contact the BCAK prior to, or within, 30 days of starting their parental leave to review the policy and their options (Practicing members only), as the option of switching to a Non-practicing membership may be of financial interest should they be off work for 10 or more months. The benefits of retaining or switching will depend on your individual situation and how long you plan to be off work. Please contact the BCAK office for assistance.

Other - Professional development events completed after renewing membership and during the early renewal period may claim eligible CPD credits for renewal at the end of the subsequent year provided they did not claim the credits previously to renew their membership (double jeopardy is not permitted) .

Entering your CPD Credits

Credits are entered through your BCAK online account and should be kept up to date at all times.

Follow These Steps to Add CPD Credits

  1. Login to your BCAK "My Account"
  2. Select 'CPD Credits' from the menu (in the Member section)
  3. Select 'Add Credits'
  4. Select the credit 'Category' from the drop down menu
  5. Select the 'Activity' from the second drop down menu
  6. Enter the 'Completion Date' for the course or event
  7. Enter a brief note or 'Description' of the event (if appropriate)
  8. Read and confirm "Check the Box" verifying your entry complies with the CPD policies, is true and accurate
  9. Click the "Submit" button.

(Repeat these steps for each credit entry)

Your CPD credit information entered will be accessible for a minimum period of 3 years.

Common FAQs

1 - When Should I Record My CPD Credits?

BCAK recommends entering credits shortly after completion of the education item to ensure details are recorded in a timely manner. This will allow you to check back throughout the year to ensure you have enough credits for future membership renewal when required.

2 - My application was approved and I graduated this year, why is the system asking for CDP credits?

CPD credits must be logged for the previous calendar year in order to complete registration. First time registrants must apply a CDP credit waiver to their account manually and should only take one minute to complete. To do this:

  1. Click the blue edit button next to the draft credit waiver.

2. A pop-up window will appear. Scroll to the bottom of this popup and check the box next to the text that reads "I hereby confirm the activity submitted complies with the BCAK's Continuing ..." and click SUBMIT.

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3. Once the waiver is confirmed, CREDITS EARNED IN (previous year) will show 20/20 credits and you will be able to proceed to the next step of registration.

3 - I joined part way through the year, am I eligible for pro-rated CPD requirements when I renew?

Yes, however this is not done automatically by the system.
You will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the My CPD credits page. (This link will not work if you are not logged in or a member)
  2. Click the green 'Add a Credit' button. (A pop up window will appear)
  3. Under categories select "Continuing Education Standards Program (CESP) credit waiver" from the drop down menu.
  4. Under activities, select the appropriate date range.
  5. Select the date you paid your membership dues as the completion date.
  6. In notes: Say "Joined on __ - __ - ____ (DD/MM/YYYY)"
  7. Check the box and submit the credit.

Click here for more information on our continuing education standards program.

For applicants who began their Practicing Membership application in the previous calendar year and are completing the membership purchase now, please select "first year of membership CPD waiver".

4 - Can I carry over credits completed this year if I have more than the requirement?

No, any continuing education claimed for the purpose of renewal must have been completed during the current calendar year. If you plan to complete or completed CPD educational coursework after renewal of your membership for the current or subsequent year, depending on the date you renewed (between November 15 and December 31st) please contact the office for clarification on whether this coursework can be used to meet the current or following year's membership renewal.

5 - Does the BCAK Monitor my CPD Compliance?

At the time of membership purchase/renewal, you agreed to comply with the Continuing Professional Development CPD requirements detailed in the society's Bylaws. Members who do not comply with the requirement risk declined renewal of their membership. CPD submissions are the responsibility of the member to complete and untruthful or misleading entries are considered fraud and breach the BCAK's Membership Standards Requirements. The BCAK randomly audits Practicing members to confirm compliance with the program and if potential fraudulent entries are identified or reported to the BCAK or otherwise suspected, a full review (audit) of CPD submissions by the member may be conducted. In the event of an audit, members are required to provide proof of completion of all activities/credits reported for the previous year.

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