Olivia Ruygrok

Olivia Ruygrok

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Practice Area
Active Health and Fitness, Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy, Telehealth (Virtual Healthcare)

Olivia graduated from The University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Kinesiology. She was blessed with the opportunity to participate in numerous different competitive sports while growing up, as well as playing Varsity Soccer in University. During this time she developed her passion for sports science, and also learned the importance of proper rehabilitation techniques first hand from a young age. Olivia has extensive experience as a Sports Kinesiologist - with a focus on helping individuals cope with physical injuries and preventing further musculoskeletal issues. In her spare time, you can find Olivia hiking the in the PNW, surfing on the Pacific Coast, playing Spikeball at Kits Beach, or playing Urban Rec Soccer.

Savaria Patient Care

11393 Kingston Street, Vancouver, BC, V2X 0X7, Canada

Telehealth available

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