Drew Schluter

Drew Schluter

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Practice Area
Active Health and Fitness, Injury Rehabilitation/Exercise Therapy

Drew graduated with a Bachelors in Kinesiology from the University of British Columbia in 2022. As a new Catalyst Kinetics Group team member, she is excited to see what the world of Kinesiology offers. Through her ongoing mentorship at Catalyst, Drew is expanding her knowledge within the department of Kinesiology as well as other departments including Chiropractics, Physiotherapy and Naturopathic Medicine. Drew has a keen interest in back, spine and postural improvement as she believes it is crucial for the longevity of exercise throughout the lifespan. Drew’s passion for helping others stems from her time at university where she was the vice-president of Generocksity, a non-profit that supports grassroots in the Vancouver area. In the future, Drew hopes to pursue a degree in Naturopathic Medicine to guide people further on their journey to health and wellness. On her days off, she enjoys weightlifting, skiing and walking her whoodle, Louie.

Catalyst Kinetics Group

7865 Edmonds St, Burnaby, BC, V3N 1B8, Canada

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